5 Seconds of Summer Make Us Feel All The Emotions At The Feeling of Falling Upwards

5SOS’s One Night Only Concert Will Forever Be An Important Moment For The Band and the Fans

Bringing Back Songs Like Outer Space / Carry On and Lie To Me Brought Us To TEARS!

Were you there for one of the most iconic nights in 5SOS history? The Feeling of Falling Upwards was a one night only concert held in London, UK. The venue it was held, Royal Albert Hall, has just over 5,000 capacity, however the event was livestreamed globally for everyone to watch. Performing then-unreleased songs with an orchestra and choir, this event was one that just couldn’t be missed. With beautiful voices and beautifully played instruments, the show was spectacular. At times, the band could barely be heard singing because the crowd was singing (or screaming) all the words.

5SOS played for about an hour and a half, totaling 17 songs. Four of those songs were sung for the first time, and a few of them haven’t been sung in years. The fans cheered and danced, opting to put their phones away because of they all wanted to be present for such a special night. With the event being livestreamed, it also made it less necessary to take personal videos. In the few videos taken, fans can be heard screaming even louder than the band was singing, proving that the concert was going well. The one night only concert at Royal Albert Hall is no doubt already one of the most memorable events 5SOS has done.

Let’s be completely aware about that: ONO (one night only) will be one of the most special events in 5SOS career, in some years will be remembered like a historical thing they did and we are living in this moment now, we are all being part of one of the most important events in 5SOS history. -Jules (concert attendee)

To put the event’s power into perspective, most of the fans that went to the concert came from so many different countries. The US, Sweden, Latvia, and Spain just to name a few. Many fans wearing merch could be spotted taking the underground tube, or just walking about tourist attractions in London. So many people have come together because of this band and this concert. To have that kind of impact is really something special, and it’s just one of the reasons why The Feeling of Falling Upwards is unforgettable.

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